Nathaniel Robinson
Affiliation: Linköping University, SE


Keywords: Transport and Separations




Full profile:

I graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute with a B.S. in Chemical Engineering in 1994. I then earned a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering at Cornell University, focusing in the area of transport and interface stability. Breaking away from academia, I spent two years as a process/development engineer with Intel Corporation near Portland, Oregon. Projects there included work on the co-development of a polymer memory product with Thin Film Electronics (of Sweden).

I was a member of the Organic Electronics group at ITN from October of 2002 to 2006 when I obtained my Docent degree. My experience in mathematical modeling of transport processes and chemical reactions proved useful in understanding and developing new hybrid devices, resulting in several patents.

In 2008 I moved to IFM, where I have started a new group focused on processes involving species transport and separations.

Besides performing research, I am a co-founder of several companies aimed at commercializing research results, including Lunavation AB, LunaMicro AB, Inorel AB and OBOE. I am also available as a consultant and teacher in statistical process control (SPC) and experiment design (DOE, DOX), two techniques employed by the electronics industry for improving and maintaining quality in manufacturing processes.