The Young Academy of Europe (YAE) proudly announces that, is an official member of the CALIPER project which has received funding by European Union’s Research and Innovation Framework Program Horizon 2020. CALIPER will last four (4) years and aims at making Research Performing (RPO) and Research Funding Organizations (RFO) more gender equal increasing the number of female researchers in STEM, improving their careers prospects and integrating a gender dimension in research.
Nine (9) RPOs/RFOs involved in CALIPER project cover a wide geographical area across the Europe from Southern, Balkan, Central European and Baltic countries. Thus, CALIPER elaborates on a diverse landscape of STEM research infrastructures in varying cultural settings. In addition to the aforementioned RPOs and RFOs, the project’s Consortium features two SMEs and a pan-European Professional Association to support the Project undertaking management, scientific assistance, evaluation and dissemination activities.
CALIPER will orchestrate the core inward auditing/internal assessment and GEPs design with outward actions engaging external stakeholders to activate synergies at all different junctions of the ‘education-research-transfer to market of STEM research results’ chain through the establishment of Research and Innovation (R&I) Hubs in each RPO/RFO of the project. CALIPER will adopt an intersectional approach to gender equality issues, paying attention to the ways gender inequalities are linked to and intersected with other discriminations.
Being a Member of CALIPER Consortium, YAE seeks to foster internal procedures that are going to result to tailored gender equality policies and sustainable structural changes in favor of a gender balanced and competent environment. The Organization is projected to assess the current conditions regarding gender issues and work on creating a GEP to introduce specific steps towards enhancing female researchers’ role. YAE is the member of CALIPER who leads the communication with the academic network across Europe to spread information about the project accomplishments and to facilitate the engagement of those interested with the project activities.
CALIPER envisions to create strong foundations for women’s engagement with higher management and decision-making roles in research and business field of STEM. The project is going to influence both the internal environment of the involved research organizations and the innovation ecosystem existing in their respective countries in order to welcome gender equality designs. Leading by the example of YAE, progress throughout CALIPER the goal is to enhance female researchers career prospects, increasing the involvement of young females into STEM research and solidifying the gender dimension is research and innovation, which constitute objectives of the European Research Area (ERA).
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