The YAE’s Advisory Council consists of a limited number of former YAE Board members who serve on the Advisory Council for a maximum period of five years. The Advisory Council has the authority and competence to advise the current Board on issues relevant to the functioning of the YAE (both upon request and on its own initiative).

The YAE Advisory Council elects its Chair, who acts as spokesperson and is responsible for organising their meetings and communicating with the YAE Board, members and alumni. Normally, the Advisory Council meets once a year at the annual meeting. 

YAE members and alumni may contact the YAE Advisory Council to raise concerns regarding the functioning of the YAE on this email: 

The current Advisory Council of the YAE consist of the following members (from January 1, 2024):

  • Sylvestre Bonnet (Leiden, The Netherlands, 2023-2028)
  • Arild Husby (Uppsala, Sweden, 2021-2026)
  • Paweł Korpal (Poznan, Poland, 2022-2027)
  • Gemma Modinos (London, United Kingdom, 2023-2028)
  • Linn Leppert (Twente, The Netherlands, 2024-2029
  • Moniek Tromp (Groningen, The Netherlands 2024-2029)

The initial Advisory Council of the YAE (2018) comprised: Nicole Grobert (Oxford, United Kingdom, 2018-2022), Lynn Kamerlin (Uppsala, Sweden, 2018-2019), Alban Kellerbauer (Heidelberg, Germany, 2018-2023, Chair of the Advisory Council), Jörg Peltzer (Heidelberg, Germany, 2018-2023), and Leif Schröder (Berlin, Germany, 2018-2023).