11:00-12:00 Council meeting (closed session)
12:00-13:00 Lunch and Registration
13:00-14:15 Chair: André Mischke
- Introduction to the YAE (André Mischke, Chair of the YAE Board) (20′ + 10′)
- Admission to the YAE (Alban Kellerbauer, Chair of the YAE Selection Committee) (10′)
- Dr Waldemar Kütt (Deputy Head of Cabinet for the Research, Innovation & Science Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn, European Commission): “Horizon 2020: State of play” (10′ + 10′)
- YAE Activities (Thomas Schäfer, Vice chair of the YAE Board) (15′)
14:15-15:30 Domain parallel sessions: PE, LS, SH (Chairs of the respective domains: Nicole Grobert, Christian Doeller, Simone Turchetti)
15:30-16:00 Coffee break
16:00-18:15 Chair: Thomas Schäfer
- Prof Sierd Cloetingh (ERC Scientific Council): “ERC Perspectives on the Young Academy of Europe” (20′ + 25′)
- Dr Monica Dietl (Director, European Cooperation in Science and Technology): “COST” (20′ + 25′)
- Ms Anna Karaoglu & Ms Kitty Fehringer (DG Research & Innovation, European Commission): “Euraxess” (20′ + 25′)
18:30 Reception
Saturday 8 December 2012
08:00-09:00 Council meeting (closed session)
09:00-10:00 Domain parallel sessions: PE, LS, SH (Chairs of the respective domains: Nicole Grobert, Christian Doeller, Simone Turchetti)
10:00-10:45 Dr Maria Nedeva (EURECIA project PI): “ERC Impact” (30′ + 15′)
10:45-11:15 Coffee break
11:15-13:00 Chairs: Nicole Grobert, Oliver Heiri
- Mr Jason Codrington (Impact and Promotion Manager, Royal Society, UK) (15′)
- Prof Emil Horozov (former Director, Bulgarian Scientific Research Fund) (15′)
- Dr Peter Filip (Slovakia) (15′)
- Round-table discussion with national funding agencies (60′)
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 Chair: Francesca di Lodovico
- Reports from the Domains: PE (Nicole Grobert) (10′)
- Reports from the Domains: LS (Christian Doeller) (10′)
- Reports from the Domains: SH (Simone Turchetti) (10′)
- Round-table discussion between the domains – Interdisciplinarity (60′)
15:30-16:00 Closing remarks and announcement of next YAE meeting (Thomas Schäfer)
16:00 Adjourn
The meeting will be held at the MCE Conference Centre at the following address:
Rue de l ‘Aqueduc 118
1050 Bruxelles
You may download a list of hotels with special rates near the meeting venue.
Participation is open to current members of the YAE, to current members of the AE, as well as to all current grantholders of an ERC Starting Grant. Please confirm your attendance of the meeting by e-mail to the address info@yacadeuro.org.
Further information on the meeting will be added to this page as soon as it becomes available.