Affiliation: Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research, Wroclaw, PL
Keywords: luminescent nanoparticles, lanthanides, biospectroscopy, bioimaging, remote nanothermometry
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Present research activity
- Lanthanide doped nano-colloidal solutions: optical properties and application in bioscience (biolabels, biomarkers)
- Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging and Hyper Spectral Imaging, Molecular Imaging
- Non-invasive monitoring of living cell functions
- Applications of spatial light modulators in digital photolithography, neurotoxicity, photodynamic cell colony enrichment, high-content imaging
- Diode Pumped Solid State lasers – ytterbium doped double tungstates (KYW, KGdW) and YAG laser crystals were investigated i CW and Q-switch mode in the end-pump configuration.
- Spectroscopy of rare earths – especially energy transfer between Eu-Yb, Tb-Yb and Nd-Yb
- Application of physics and lasers in medicine – photodynamic therapy and diagnosis of cancer, atherosclerosis, spectroscopy of photosensitizers, application of lasers in medicine