Affiliation: Centre for the Study of the Sciences and Humanities, University of Bergen, NO; NORCE Climate Research Institute, NO
Keywords: Climate adaptation, Environmental governance, Institutions, Science-policy interface, Knowledge co-production, Post-normal science, Narrative, Climate culture
Full profile:
Scott Bremer’s background is broadly in environmental governance, and he has worked most on coastal governance and place-based climate adaptation. Bremer is interested in how science and other knowledge systems are used to support decisions and action in different institutions, particularly at the science-policy interface. He has worked extensively on practical approaches for co-producing actionable knowledge with different groups of people, especially guided by ideas of ‘post-normal science’, and experimenting with citizen science and narratives. To this end, his research is highly interdisciplinary; bringing together concepts and methods from natural resource management and planning, institutional theory, philosophy of science, anthropology and science and technology studies. Central to this work is building relationships with natural climate scientists, including at NORCE Climate where he is a research associate.
Since completing his PhD at Massey University (New Zealand) and the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (France), Bremer has been based at the University of Bergen (Norway). He was awarded an ERC Starting Grant in 2019, and now leads a research team working on the CALENDARS project: ‘Co-production of Seasonal Representations for Adaptive Institutions’. This project explores how institutions in Norway and New Zealand come to understand seasonal rhythms, and questions how robust these seasonal ideas are in times of rapid change.
Today Bremer is an active scholar of knowledge used for climate adaptation, with over 30 peer-reviewed publications, a reviewer for 17 journals, an expert reviewer for the IPCC, a member of two climate journal editorial boards, a national expert on climate services in Norway, and an invited speaker at conferences such as the Nordic Conference on Climate Change Adaptation. He is an Eiffel Scholarship recipient, a SYLFF fellow, and was admitted to the Young Academy of Europe in 2019.