Affiliation: Institut de Science et d’Ingénierie Supramoléculaires, Université de Strasbourg, FR
Keywords: Device Physics, Molecular Physics, Nanoelectronics, Charge Transport, Graphene, 2D Materials
Full profile:
Emanuele Orgiu earned his Ph.D. title (grade: excellent) from the University of Cagliari (IT) in 2008 where he worked on Physics of charge transport in vacuum-sublimed organic semiconductors. In 2005, he was visiting research scholar at the Institute of Semiconductor and Solid State Physics JKU Linz (AT) and Konarka GmbH where he worked on solution-processable polymer semiconductors and charge transport physics thereof. In 2007 he was Fulbright fellowship at Santa Clara University, CA. After his Ph.D. , he was post-doctoral fellow at the National Institute of Matter Physics (INFM) before joining the Institute of Supramolecular Chemistry in 2009 as a Experienced Researcher Marie-Curie fellow. Since 2011 he is Assistant Professor at the Department of Chemistry at the University of Strasbourg and Permanent Researcher at the Institute of Supramolecular Chemistry. In 2013 received the MIT-Under35 France Award which awarded the 10 most innovative individuals in France under the age of 35.In 2016 he also joined the EMT Centre (Institut national de la recherche scientifique) in Montreal (QC) as Associate Professor.
Research interests:
E. Orgiu’s research efforts are currently devoted to the understanding of magnetoresistance, thermal transport and thermoelectricity within organic and 2D (semi)conductors. A peculiar aspect of his research program is that it combines the use of supramolecular approaches with graphene and TMDCs for exploring novel physical scenarios arising from the combination of molecules and 2D materials.