Affiliation: Eötvös Loránd University, HU

Keywords: animal behaviour, behaviour genetics, animal personality, comparative cognition, canine tissue and brain bank, ageing, dog and wolf behaviour


ID_symbol_B-W_128x128 0000-0002-4468-9845

Full profile:

Enikő Kubinyi received her PhD from the Eötvös Loránd University in Ethology (Animal Behaviour) in 2004 for her work on interspecific social learning in dogs. Since 2015 she is a faculty member at the Department of Ethology, Eötvös Loránd University, where she leads the Senior Family Dog Project. She has published 40 peer-reviewed papers (cited >2500 times, H-index = 25). Her scientific activity has been funded by science organizations and companies and acknowledged by scholarship boards and award committees (e.g. APA Frank A. Beach Comparative Psychology Award, 2003; Junior Prima Award in Science, 2009; Bolyai János Scholarship, 2010, 2016). She currently holds an ERC Starting Grant. She is a reviewer for many international journals and science organizations, and has a wide international collaboration. She has graduated one PhD student and is currently supervisor for eight PhD students/postdocs and seven undergraduate students. She has served as an an opponent or member of PhD Committee for 13 PhD theses. She is an active science communicator (with a degree in Video communication and Biology teaching) mostly at national level, but she is also the main organiser of an annual seminar about canine research for the public, broadcasted live online in English (more than 40 000 viewers in 2016). She is a member of the Young Academy of Europe since 2017.

Research interests

Her research covers social behaviour and cognition in dogs and wolves, ethorobotics, personality, and gene-behaviour associations. Currently her research group focuses on cognitive aging in dogs using an interdisciplinary approach with behavioural, neuroscientific and genetic testing methods, and develops a canine tissue and brain bank.