As signatories and active supporters of the #EUInvestInKnowledge campaign,​ Eurodoc, the Marie Curie Alumni Association and YAE call on governments, institutions and leaders across Europe to strengthen the investment at European level and urge them to raise the budget of the next EU Programme for R&I (2021-2027), Horizon Europe, to at least €120 billion.

Mangala Srinivas (Chair, Young Academy of Europe), said: “The grand challenges we are facing today, as captured by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, represent an enormous opportunity to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. Europe can and should lead the way on this journey; it is our responsibility to others and to future generations. To achieve this, education, research and innovation are crucial and must be strongly supported. In particular, ‘blue sky’ research, which forms the basis of future innovation, is nearly fully reliant on government funding. Loss of such funding today will mean less innovation tomorrow.

The full statement is available here.