Affiliation: Lodz University of Technology
Keywords: Chemical engineering; advanced oxidation processes; water reuse; wastewater treatment; water quality; catalysis; plasma deposition; Emerging contaminants degradation; disinfection; reactive oxygen species; identification of transformation products

Full profile:
Marta Gmurek received her MSc degree in Environmental Engineering from Lodz University of Technology (TUL) and also PhD and DSc degrees in Environmental Engineering in 2014 and 2018, respectively. Since 2020, she has been Associate Professor at TUL (Department of Molecular Engineering).
After PhD her scientific research concentrated on chemical engineering with elements of environmental engineering. One of her scientific interest is application of advanced oxidation processes for the purification of real textile wastewater and attempts to integrate them with biological/chemical purification processes and/or separation techniques, enabling the reuse of water in textile factories. Due to long-term cooperation with textile factory, her research team have knowledge what are the main problems during textile wastewater treatment as well as the possible problems with implementations. Her research is focused on the textile wastewater purification by advanced processes (electrocoagulation, ozonation, catalytic and photocatalytic as well its recombination etc.) with a deep chemical engineering approach on the mechanism and process influence on the possible reuse.
She took part in three-month internship at Charles University in Prague, Department of Inorganic Chemistry and two- and one-month DAAD internship in Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Chair of Water Chemistry and Water Technology (under Prof Harald Horn supervision, 2014, 2017). She worked as a Visiting Researcher at the University of Coimbra for 20-months (2019/2020). In 2021/2022, she was working at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology as an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow.
She took a part as a contractor or main contractor in several project funded from NCN (National Sience Centre) and NCBiR (National Centre for Research and Development).