Ivan Bedzhov
Affiliation: Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine, DE

Keywords: early mammalian development, embryonic stem cells, implantation, self-organization of early embryos and stem cells



Full profile:

Ivan Bedzhov obtained a BSc degree in Molecular biology (2004) and an MSc degree in Genetic and cell engineering (2006) from the University of Sofia, Bulgaria. In 2011 he obtained a PhD degree from the Max Planck Institute for Immunobiology and Epigenetics and the University of Freiburg, Germany with a study on the role of cell adhesion and signalling during mouse pre-implantation development. For his postdoc, he moved to the CRUK/WT Gurdon institute, University of Cambridge, UK where he worked on the morphogenesis of the pluripotent lineage. In November 2015 Ivan received DFG Emmy Noether award and set up his group in the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine, Münster. His lab is a part of the Cells In Motion (CiM) Excellence cluster and the NRW Stem cell network. In 2017 he was selected as a member of the Young Academy of Europe (YAE).

Research interests:

The research of Ivan’s group aims to understand the mechanism of fundamental developmental processes that take place during early mammalian embryogenesis. More specifically, the work in the lab is focused on the following questions: How the early lineages self-organize into a functional embryo? What is the signalling that coordinates the early cell fate decisions with the acquisition of specialized cell shape and functions? What mediates the crosstalk between the embryo and the surrounding maternal tissues and can this process be faithfully recapitulated in a synthetic environment?