Affiliation: University of Verona, IT

Keywords: Plant Science, Photosynthesis, Bioenergy, Biochemistry


ID_symbol_B-W_128x128 0000-0001-8410-3397

Full profile:

Prof. Matteo Ballottari received his PhD in Molecular, Industrial and Environmental Biotechnology at the University of Verona with PhD thesis focused on the functional characterization of photosynthetic proteins in higher plants. Since 2011 Matteo Ballottari was appointed as Assistant Professor, and then  Associate Professor, in Plant Physiology at the Department of Biotechnology of the University of Verona. Matteo Ballottari is involved in many national and European projects financed by public and private funds about the exploitation of photosynthetic organisms to produce food, biofuels and high value products, among which the H2020 projects ERC Starting Grant SOLENALGAE and the ERC Proof of Concept ASTAOMEGA and ASTEASY. Prof. Ballottari group (SOLE-LAB) studies plant metabolism mostly in microalgae but also in plants, focusing on how it might be improved to produce biomass and high value products through an interdisciplinary approach ranging from omics to biophysics, biochemistry and genetic engineering. Overall research activity lead to publication of more than 50 articles in peer reviewed journals. Prof. Ballottari is the coordinator of the PHD program in Biotechnology at the University of Verona since March 2018.