The YAE is an international, non-governmental association of individual researchers who are experts and leaders in their respective fields, as recognised by their peers. All YAE Members are bound by the Code of Conduct established by the YAE Board on 16th March 2016.
The YAE is administered by a Board. YAE Board members are elected from among the current YAE members, representing the three Domains, namely:
- Physical Sciences and Engineering (PE)
- Life Sciences (LS)
- Social Sciences and Humanities (SH)
The Board’s main function is to support YAE activities by guiding and coordinating the ideas and activities of its members. The Board serves as the first point of contact for external parties and for the AE. At the Annual General Meeting, YAE members elect the Board members for a term of three years, and directly elect the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Academy. The other resorts are assigned within the board. The YAE Chair and Vice-Chair have a standing invitation to the AE Board and vice versa.
The YAE is governed by a set of statutes.