Affiliation: University of Debrecen, HU
Keywords: Functional plant ecology, Restoration of natural habitats, Soil seed banks, Dispersal, Vegetation dynamics of open habitats, Vegetation succession theory, Reproduction biology of plants
Full profile:
He received his Ph.D. in seed bank ecology at the University of Debrecen, Hungary in 2008. He works since 2007 at the Department of Ecology currently as associate professor and also as a scientific advisor in the MTA-DE Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Research Group. He published more than 50 ISI cited research papers in the field of plant and restoration ecology (cited >1100 times, H-index: 19). He is one of the chairs of International Association of Vegetation Science, Eurasian Dry Grassland Group and was a former board member at large in Society of Ecological Restoration Europe. He co-edited several thematic issues in grassland ecology and restoration, and was reviewer for >35 research journals. He was awarded the Best Young Ecologist Award of the Hungarian Ecological Society (2012) and received the National Excellence Award of Hungary (2015) for his scientific performance. He was selected to the Young Academy of Europe (2017).
Research interest
His research interest in the widest sense covers the ecology and dynamics of grassland habitats in the Palaearctic realm. His research focuses on applied and theoretical aspects of vegetation dynamics at multiple-scales including the relationship of biomass and species richness, seed bank composition, and vegetation succession.