Affiliation: TU-Dresden, Institute of Scientific Computing & Dresden Center for Computational Materials Science

Keywords: Computational Materials Science, Condensed Matter Physics, Applied Mathematics, Scientific Computing, Scale-Bridging Materials Modeling


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Full profile:

Marco Salvalaglio is an Emmy Noether Group Leader at the Institute of Scientific Computing at TU Dresden. He is also an associated researcher at the Dresden Center for Computational Materials Science and the Dresden Center for Intelligent Materials. Physicist by training, he obtained his Ph.D. in materials science (and European Doctorate PCAM) at the University of Milano-Bicocca (IT) in 2016. The same year, he joined TU Dresden with a two-year Alexander von Humboldt fellowship and collaborated with the Leibnitz Institute IHP-Microelectronics in Frankfurt (Oder) as a guest scientist. He was invited as a Visiting Junior Fellow to the prestigious Hong Kong Institute of Advanced Studies (2019). In 2020, he was awarded the DFG Emmy Noether Programme Grant, which enabled him to establish his research group the following year.

Salvalaglio and his group perform interdisciplinary research at the intersection of materials science, solid-state physics, and applied mathematics, focusing on both the development of novel models and technology-relevant applications. He contributed to understanding elastic and plastic relaxation in three-dimensional crystalline heterostructures for optoelectronics applications. Moreover, he investigated their morphological evolution and self-assembly, shedding light on the basic mechanisms at play as well as their exploitation in bottom-up fabrication processes. Correlated disorder emerging from such phenomena is also an important subject of his studies. His group primarily works on the comprehensive study of defects, interfaces, and microstructures in single and polycrystalline systems with novel mesoscale approaches. In 2023, he was nominated by the editorial board of the IOP journal Model. Sim. Mater. Sci. Eng. as an MSMSE Emerging Leader. He was admitted to the Young Academy of Europe in March 2023.