Affiliation: King´s College, Cambridge, UK
Keywords: Quantum Matter
Full profile:
Suchitra Sebastian received a PhD and MS in Applied Physics at Stanford University, USA in 2006. Before embarking on a career in physics, Suchitra worked as a management consultant after an MBA at the Indian Institute of Management (Ahmedabad), India. She moved to the University of Cambridge as a Junior Research Fellow in Physics at Trinity College. From 2010, she is a Royal Society University Research Fellow in Physics at the Cavendish Laboratory, and a fellow of King’s College. In 2013 she was appointed a University Lecturer in Physics at Cambridge University. Awards she has received include the Lee Osheroff Richardson North American Science prize for her PhD work on frustrated quantum magnets, the Young Scientist Medal in magnetism awarded by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, the Moseley Medal awarded by the Institute of Physics for her discoveries in frustrated quantum magnets, heavy fermion systems, and high temperature superconductors, a L’Oreal-UNESCO Women in Science fellowship to develop the next generation of superconductors, a Philip Leverhulme prize awarded by The Leverhulme Trust, and a five-year European Research Council starting grant for her research project on unconventional superconductivity from a Mott insulating parent magnet.
Research Interests
Suchitra’s research interests are in the area of correlated electron systems, particularly in novel materials. Her research focuses on the search for emergent quantum phenomena in a variety of new materials under extreme conditions. Toward this end, single crystals of materials such as rare earth magnets, iron pnictide and cuprate high temperature superconductors, and frustrated quantum magnets are synthesised in the laboratory, and low temperature thermodynamic and transport measurements performed under high applied pressures and large magnetic fields up to 100 T both in-house and in international facilities.