Sylvestre Bonnet
Affiliation: Leiden Institute of Chemistry, NL

Keywords: phototherapy, metallodrugs, photoactivated chemotherapy, photopharmacology, photodynamic therapy, cancer, liposomes, photocatalysis, bioinorganic chemistry, biomimetic chemistry, upconversion, hypoxia


ID_symbol_B-W_128x128 0000-0002-5810-3657

Full profile:

SB did his PhD on molecular machines in the group of Jean-Pierre Sauvage in Strasbourg, France, where he graduated in 2005. He then moved to The Netherlands as a postdoctoral fellow, first in the catalysis group of Gerard van Koten (Utrecht), then with Jan Reedijk (Leiden) where he worked on spin crossover. After obtaining a Veni grant in 2008 in the Chemical Biology group of Bert Klein Gebbink and Antoinette Killian (Utrecht) he moved to Leiden in 2009 where he completed a Tenure Track in Inorganic Chemistry. He obtained a Vidi grant in 2012 and an ERC Starting Grant in 2013, and became Associate Professor in Leiden in 2015. His expertise lies at the crossing point between inorganic chemistry, photochemistry, and liposomes. His current research interests are light-activated anticancer metallorugs, photocatalysis, and coordination chemistry at lipid bilayers.