Affiliation: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NO

Keywords: Greek and Roman literature, textual criticism and classical philology, literary theory, allusion and intertextuality, reception studies and the classical tradition.


Full profile:

Thea S. Thorsen earned her PhD in Bergen (Norway) with a study of the authenticity of a poem traditionally attributed to the Roman poet Ovid (2007). She has worked at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Trondheim, Norway) since 2009, first as a postdoctoral fellow funded by the Research Council of Norway and then, from 2014, as an Associate Professor. She is the author of more than fifty articles and book chapters, and the author and/or editor of eleven books, including The Cambridge Companion to Latin Love Elegy (Cambridge University Press, 2013), Ovid’s Early Poetry (Cambridge University Press, 2014), Dynamics of Ancient Prose (De Gruyter, 2018) and Roman Receptions of Sappho (Oxford University Press, 2019). She has formed part of tribunals for Master’s and PhD ceremonies and evaluation committees (Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Sweden), and is a reviewer for a number of world-leading publishers and journals. She has received funding from a number of organizations, including the Research Council of Norway, e.g. through the Young Research Talent programme. In 2019 she was selected for the Young Academy of Europe.

Research interests:

Thea S. Thorsen focuses on forms of expression in Antiquity that are not in line with the ideals promoted by powerholders or norm-setters. Hierarchies of various kinds have an especially interesting bearing on the study of these expressions, such as that between hetero- and homoerotic love, male and female authority, genuine and spurious works, and different literary forms. She also pursues these issues as they relate to the post-classical tradition.