Affiliation: Technical University of Denmark, DK
Keywords: Turbulence (theory, experiments and simulations), Fluid mechanics, Flow control, Vortex dynamics, Development of improved optical measurement techniques for fluid mechanics/turbulence
Full profile:
Dr. Clara M. Velte received her Ph.D. in experimental and theoretical fluid mechanics from the Technical University of Denmark in 2009. After several extended stays abroad with leading research groups in her field, she became Associate Professor in Fluid Mechanics at the Technical University of Denmark in 2012 to develop teaching and research in advanced fluid mechanics and turbulence. In 2018, she received an ERC Starting Grant to build a state-of-art laboratory facility to test the bounds of validity of the classical theory of turbulence. This was in 2019 supplemented with a Turbulence Centre of Excellence – a long-term collaboration with the Poul Due Jensen Foundation to develop improved models for turbulence. The results are expected to be of fundamental and applied interest alike and the work is with time expected to extend into other fields of application of fluid mechanics and turbulence. A strong focus on maintaining an interdisciplinary approach and tailoring the investigations to the research question asked (using suitable combinations of theory, experiments and simulations) is central to the research philosophy of her group.