Affiliation: University of Liège Belgium
Keywords: Density functional theory; 2D and nanostructured materials; Transport of heat, charge, and spin; Magnetic materials; Phase transitions
Full profile:
Matthieu Verstraete has been a Professor of Physics at the University of Liège since 2009 (Assoc then Professor in 2017), specialized in theoretical materials science, developing algorithms and software to predict the properties (mechanical, optical, vibrational, magnetic…) of new materials. He carried out his PhD at the University of Louvain la Neuve (BE) with Xavier Gonze and Jean Christophe Charlier, won a Marie Curie IEF in York (UK) with Rex Godby, and spent 1 year in San Sebastian with Angel Rubio. He leads several communities and networks in the field of numerical materials science, as the chair of the Steering Committee of the European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility (, a working group leader for WG A.5 in the Psi-k network ( and on the advisory board of the ABINIT software package ( In 2016 Prof Verstraete was elected Fellow of the American Physical Society ( and in 2017 Fellow of the Young Academy of Europe, where he invests in science policy, including open access initiatives, improving the careers and evaluation of academic researchers, and informing funding and policy decisions with quantitative fact-based input.