Affliation: Department of Chemistry-Ångström Laboratory at Uppsala University

Keywords: Dielectrics; Electrochemistry; Electrolyte materials; Electrified interfaces; Molecular Dynamics; Atomistic Machine Learning


ORCiD: 0000-0002-7167-0840

Full profile:

Chao Zhang (张超) is an associate professor in the Department of Chemistry-Ångström Laboratory at Uppsala University. He obtained Dr. rer. nat. from RWTH Aachen University in 2013 and Docent (“venia docendi”) from Uppsala University in 2020. Before joining Uppsala in 2017, he was a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Chemistry at Cambridge University. His group focuses on developing finite-field methods in computational electrochemistry as well as multi-scale modelling of electrolyte materials and electrified solid-liquid interfaces in energy storage/conversion. He is the recipient of ERC Starting Grant (2020), Junior Research Fellowship from Wolfson College (2015) and Jülich Excellence Prize for Young Scientists (2013).