Prior to the Young Academy of Europe 2021 Annual General Meeting on 19 October, members of the YAE can cast their vote during one week, to elect or re-elect board members. There are three new seats opening in the board. YAE members will also be asked to vote whether they agree with the re-election of the current Chair (Gemma Modinos) and Vice-Chair (Moniek Tromp), who have expressed the wish to remain in these positions one more year, as allowed by our by-laws. The three votes will take place between Tuesday 12 October, 8.30 AM (CET) till Tuesday 19 October, 8.45 AM (CET).
The new candidates to the board are presented below, in alphabetical order. They give their statement in a video to tell more about themselves and how they envision their role in the YAE board.
Artur Ciesielski obtained his his PhD degree from the University of Strasbourg (P. Samorì). In 2016, he became a research associate at the Institut de Science et d’Ingénierie Supramoléculaires (ISIS) and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). His broad area of research interest lies in design of hybrid supramolecular systems, self-assembly of nanopatterns, and production and chemical modification of 2D materials by exploiting supramolecular approaches and their exploration in (nano)devices including health monitoring and environmental sensing as well as in energy storage/conversion.
Anna Kuppuswamy is a motor neurophysiologist investigating the neurophysiology of affect. Her particular interests are in understanding the neurophysiological basis of pathological fatigue, by combining brain stimulation and brain imaging with behavioral and modelling techniques. She completed her PhD at Imperial College London, and after a brief stint at National Institutes of Health in the US, she started her lab in 2016 at University College London. She is a Royal Society and Wellcome Trust Sir Henry Dale Fellow based at the Institute of Neurology, Queen Square, London.
Linn Leppert completed a PhD in physics at the University of Bayreuth, Germany, then did a two-year postdoc at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and the University of California, Berkeley. In 2017 she returned to her alma mater, now leading an independent junior research group in the Department of Physics, with funding from the Alexander-von-Humboldt foundation. Her research interests and main expertise are the development and application of accurate methods for calculating the electronic structure and dynamics of light-converting systems.