We are excited to announce that the 2022 YAE AGM will be an in-person meeting, held at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona – Campus del Mar (Spain) in October. This year also marks the 10th anniversary of the YAE, and we are very much looking forward to celebrating this milestone together with you in Barcelona!
The 2022 YAE annual meeting runs across Tuesday 25th October from 14:00 to 17:30 (room 226), and Wednesday 26th October from 09:30 to 12:00 (room 206). It will be held at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Mar Campus – see Building 61 in this map: https://www.upf.edu/en/web/campus/campus-mar. We will be in room 226 on Tuesday 25th and in room 206 on Wednesday 26th. We have put together an outstanding programme that includes renowned invited guests, research talks by recently admitted members, and opportunities for brainstorming and exchange. This includes a dedicated Science Communication Lab with expert guest speakers Profs. David Budtz-Pedersen and Rolf Hvidtfeldt. Please see the full programme below.
Registration to the full YAE AGM event is €130 – this includes access to all the AGM sessions on the 25th and 26th October, plus the YAE 10thanniversary dinner on Tuesday 25th. Please register using the link below (orange). This year you will register and pay for the AGM using the Eventbrite platform. After purchasing your ‘ticket’, Eventbrite will provide you with confirmation of your order. We understand that this order confirmation may not provide sufficient information for some of your institutions. If this is the case, please email Activity Chair Scott Bremer (Scott.bremer@uib.no) to request a more detailed invoice. When you contact Scott, provide your institution’s full name and address, and VAT number.
While registration is separate, the joint Academia Europaea / YAE meeting – Building Bridges 2022 – will go ahead immediately after our AGM in next door at the fabulous Parc de Recerca Biomedica de Barcelona. The programme includes excellent sessions including the Balzan lectures, the AE Gold Medal lecture, and two YAE-led sessions: a debate titled “Towards an inclusive and representative academic landscape” on Wednesday 26th, and the 2022 André Mischke YAE Prize lecture by this year’s awardee Dr. Gergely Toldi on Thursday 27st. We wholeheartedly encourage you to not miss these sessions! You can register for Building Bridges 2022 following the link below (blue).
Please note that the exact room where the YAE AGM will be convened is being finalised, and as soon as this information is available it will be updated on the website and emailed around to registered participants. This will include detailed instructions on how to get there. In planning your trip you may want to consult the Academia Europaea’s Building Bridges website for accommodation options: http://www.buildingbridges-acadeuro.org/accommodation/