Affiliation: Technische Universitat Dresden


Full profile:

Dr. Renhao Dong is a TUD Young Investigator and leads an independent research group in the Chair of Molecular Functional Materials at Faculty of Chemistry and Food Chemistry and Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden (cfaed), Technische Universität Dresden. He received his Bachelor’s degree in chemistry in 2008 and then doctor’s degree in physical chemistry in 2013 in Shandong University (Jinan, China). He joined the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research (Mainz, Germany) as a research associate in July 2013. In 01/2017, he was appointed as a research group leader of organic 2D (O2D) materials in the Chair of Molecular Functional Materials. At present, he is an associate member of cfaed and PI of CRC-1415, SPP-1928 and ERC Starting Grant (FC2DMOFs).