The YAE supports the campaign started by the Initiative for Science in Europe (ISE) asking Member States to keep their commitment to Horizon Europe as high as proposed by the Parliament despite an overall lower investment in the Multiannual Financial Framework. 

We agree with ISE that investing in Education, Research, and Innovation is of utmost importance for the future of Europe. The initial proposal made by the Parliament slightly less than one year ago has been slashed by more than 30%, way beyond the cuts expected upon Brexit. Such a low commitment to Horizon Europe will have a negative impact on European economy. Member States should reconsider their current stance.

We will subscribe to the petition as entire organization and ask our members to sign it and spread the voice to their communities to reach the maximum number of signatures.

For more information, please check the ISE press release:

Everybody supporting this request to invest more in education, research and innovation, should sign up to the ‘petition in English’ AND in  addition can choose to sign it in one or several of the 12 Member States we have translated the letter for already. To sign the petition, please follow this link: