Affiliation: Radboud University Medical Center, NL

Keywords: Vision, Electrophysiology, Retina, Stem cells-derived Organoids, Computational Neuroscience, Extracellular vesicle, Neuroprotection, ion channels.


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Full profile: Dr. Zohreh Hosseinzadeh (Associate Prof. in Tenure Track) is a group leader for cell biology of vision at Raboudumc. She received her “Habilitation (Associate Prof.)” in physiology (2019) and PhD in Biology at Eberhard-Karls University, Tübingen. She was head of ophthalmic department and a group leader at Leipzig university (2019-2023), senior researcher at the Centre for Regenerative Therapies (CRTD) at TU Dresden (2018), deputy of the Experimental Retinal Prosthetics group at Eberhard-Karls University(2015-2018) and headed the electrophysiology lab at physiology institute.

Her research interest lies in exploring the functionality (healthy) or dysfunctionality (degeneration) of retinal cells and circuits by interdisciplinary approaches:  electrophysiology, molecular biology, stem cells technology, material science and computation neuroscience. She aims to develop human retina from stem cells with naturalistic electrical features. This human retina is suitable for gene-, cell/tissue-based replacement therapies, a platform to unravel disease pathology and develop novel therapies.

Dr. Hosseinzadeh has authored over 63 publications in respected journals. Her outstanding contributions have been recognized with prestigious awards and external funding (>6 Million) including: ERC starting, Hypatia talent track, DFG principal investigator,  Marie Curie Doctoral Network, EuProNet, Cambridge bursary from eye trust, AcademiaNet for the excellent woman, Tübitak award as a visiting professor, Pro-Retina award in cooperation with University of Harvard, Leipzig graduate academy award, Team UNIBUND postdoc award (Halle-Jena-Leipzig), Maria Reiche program award, DAAD award, and excellent PhD student award.