Affiliation: University of Birmingham

Keywords: Decision-making, learning, computational modelling, neuroimaging, social behaviour, psychiatric disorders, neurological disorders, development, ageing.


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Full profile: Dr Patricia Lockwood is a Professor of Decision Neuroscience, Sir Henry Dale Fellow, and Jacobs Foundation Research Fellow at the University of Birmingham, UK. She was previously a Junior Research Fellow at Christ Church and Somerville College, University of Oxford, and a Medical Research Council Fellow at the University of Birmingham, University of Oxford, and University of Zurich.

She holds a PhD in Psychology from University College London and a BSc in Psychology and Philosophy from the University of Bristol. Her lab investigates social learning and decision-making across the lifespan and in neurological and psychiatric disorders using a mixture of computational modelling, behavioural measures, self report, patient studies and neuroimaging.

She is passionate about using theories, findings and tools from psychology and neuroscience to develop new experimental paradigms that test how, when and why we help or fail to help other people. Her work has received multiple awards (S4SN Early Career Award, APS Award for Transformative Early Career Contributions), she is a Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science and a member of the Women of the Future Network. You can read more about the lab here: You can read her blog “The Helpful Brain” at Psychology Today here: