Affiliation: University of Liverpool, UK
Keywords: Supramolecular chemistry, Materials science, Automation in synthesis, Molecular design
Full profile:
Anna obtained her Ph.D. in supramolecular chemistry from the University of Nottingham (2011). Following PDRA positions at the University of Nottingham and University of Liverpool she took up her current post as a Royal Society-EPSRC Dorothy Hodgkin Fellow in December 2016.
Anna leads a team of supramolecular materials scientists at the Materials Innovation Factory and Chemistry Department at Liverpool. Her research interests center on the use of enabling technology to discover and exploit promising new materials, particularly those structured through non-covalent interactions. Drawing on expertise in flow chemistry, automation, organic synthesis, materials characterization, and supramolecular interactions, the Slater group is a multidisciplinary team who enjoy working with people from diverse fields and backgrounds. In January 2021, Anna will take up a Royal Society University Research Fellowship.
Alongside her research and teaching, Anna has strong interests in equality, diversity, and inclusion, mentorship, network building, and researcher development and support.