Affiliation: Semmelweis University

Keywords: Twin research, thoracic imaging, epigenetic twin studies, atherosclerosis

Orcid identifier

Full profile: I work as a radiologist at Semmelweis University and the National Oncology Institute. In addition to general radiology, my specialty is thoracic imaging and cardiovascular ultrasound examinations. As a radiologist at Semmelweis University, I am a consultant radiologist of interstitial lung diseases (pulmonary fibrosis) board at the University. I am a board member of the Hungarian Section of the American Hungarian Medical Association, and I am also a member of the Hungarian & European Society of Radiologists and Pulmonogists. I regularly attend international and Hungarian conferences.

In addition to patient care, I also do research, my main topics are imaging, genetics and epigenetic research, especially twin research. I have published more than 100 Hungarian and international publications so far, I obtained my PhD degree in 2013 at Semmelweis University. I completed professional internships in several countries, obtained a professional qualification in chest wall ultrasound in Oxford, and also gained professional experience in imaging interstitial lung diseases. I am a member of the public body of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. I speak English and German, I take part in the education of Hungarian, German and English medical students at Semmelweis University. I also take part in resident and specialist training in radiology. Between 2016-2020, I was the head of the Department of Ultrasound at the Semmelweis University Radiology Clinic. In November 2016, I received the Junior Prima award at the MTA. Since 2018, I have been an editorial member of the Hungarian Radiology journal. In 2019, I completed my habilitation at the University of Szeged. From 2020, I became the head physician of the Diagnostic Imaging Department of the National Oncology Institute.